
Semester Endings {New Beginnings}

Every semester that ends, the goodbye only seems to get harder.    My heart was heavy last week. As great of a week as it was, filled with holiday parties, reunions, and the accomplishment of ending the semester strong. It was also the end of some exciting chapters in my life. I know in the… Continue reading Semester Endings {New Beginnings}

Professional Experience

Signing Off {Sideline Reporter}

“We’re going to tell you to do things completely the opposite to which you would be told in a broadcast school or by any other broadcast professional. You can either do the show the way every high school football team broadcast tries to do it, and not stand out all. Or you can maybe try… Continue reading Signing Off {Sideline Reporter}

Professional Experience

Becoming a Radio Broadcaster {McPippet}

Six weeks ago I began my semester internship at The Rick and Bubba Show, a local radio station here in Alabama. I'd heard of them a few times before from other Samford students, but when I called to tell my dad I got the internship I could tell from his response that they are a big deal. Therefore, I… Continue reading Becoming a Radio Broadcaster {McPippet}