Tales From Sea

Ship Life {My First Contract}

Hello Blog! I finished my 1st contract working for Carnival Cruise Lines back in early March and I am preparing to head back out to begin my 2nd contract soon. When I first began this grand adventure, I had every intention to blog along the way. I failed to do so. Now, I am adding… Continue reading Ship Life {My First Contract}

Tales From Sea

Cruising Down Memory Lane

Cruising is an industry that has grown tremendously in the last twenty years.  If you are like me and love people, activities, and traveling you keep finding yourself coming back for more. At this point, I have been on a total of 11 cruises.  Seven of those cruises have been Carnival. Carnival Cruise Lines are… Continue reading Cruising Down Memory Lane

World Traveler

What Makes it Classic {Rome 2017}

Classic. What does the word "classic"  mean? Is it referring to the study of the Classics….Philosophers, Scholars, or the Ancients?   Or is it a catch phrase you use every so often? Why do is the study of "classics" an integral foundation of education that people spend their lives studying and discovering?  How can there… Continue reading What Makes it Classic {Rome 2017}

World Traveler

Moments and Time Pacing {Florence}

Throughout the course of this adventure in Italy, I've become a videographer rather than a blogger. I am blown away (figuratively and literally) at how fast these past 2 weeks have gone by. If you've been one of the many views on my videos, than you can tell how much fun this experience has been. 3… Continue reading Moments and Time Pacing {Florence}

World Traveler

Where is McLane? {I’m in you INDY}

Yesterday morning, I woke up at the Springhill Suites in Indianapolis, IN. With my coffee in hand along with my Michael Kors purse filled with business cards and a notepad by my side, I walked down the downtown street taking in the crisp, Monday morning fall weather.  I stepped into the JW Marriott Hotel for… Continue reading Where is McLane? {I’m in you INDY}